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Upcoming Events

17 February 2023: 7th virtual progress meeting

Past Events

16 September 2022: 6th progress meeting

at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

7 July 2022
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training
Research grant opportunities/applications”, Dr Joanna Young (Electv)

29 April 2022: 5th virtual progress meeting

13 April 2022
Technology Seminar 8
Experimental methods for fuel sprays & mixing”, Prof Michael Wensing (FAU), Dr Sebastian Reiss (FAU)

Technology Seminar 7
Optical and laser diagnostics for combustion”, Prof Michael Wensing (FAU), Dr Sebastian Reiss (FAU)

21 March 2022
Technology Seminar 6
Simulation models for phase-change processes”, Prof Rickard Bensow (Chalmers), Dr Steffen Schmidt (TUM)

3 December 2021: 4th progress meeting

Asynchronous online training course 
“Intellectual property essentials: copyright, teaching & commercialisation”, Electv

19 October 2021
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“Teamworking and Leadership”, Dr Geraint Wyn Story/Cambridge Training Associates

2 July 2021: 3rd virtual progress meeting

17 June 2021
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training
“How to establish a teaching persona, Session IV: Assessment”, Amalia Petrova (CITY)

10 June 2021
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“How to establish a teaching persona, Session III: Scaffolding”, Amalia Petrova (CITY)

27 May 2021
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“Entrepreneurship & understanding start-ups”, Dr Joanna Young (Electv)

24 May 2021
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“Innovation, collaboration & business insights”, Dr Joanna Young  (Electv)

17 May 2021
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“Time and Project Management”, Dr Geraint Wyn Story (Cambridge Training Associates)

14 April 2021
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“Active Listening and Negotiation”, Dr Geraint Wyn Story (Cambridge Training Associates)

22 February 2021
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“Writing for the PhD and beyond”, Dr Geraint Wyn Story (Cambridge Training Associates)

5 November 2020: Review meeting

20 and 29 October 2020
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“How to establish a teaching persona, Session II: The Filters”, Amalia Petrova (CITY)

20 October 2020
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“How to establish a teaching persona, Session I: Teaching intelligence”, Amalia Petrova (CITY)

7 August 2020 
Technology seminar 6
Fuel injection technology”, Gerard Mouokue M.Sc. (Woodward L’Orange) 

20 July 2020 
Technology seminar 5 
Thermodynamic properties and their computation tools”, Dr Jean-Charles de Hemptinne (IFPEN)  
Effective Use of Renewable Fuel in Dual Fuel Engines”, Prof Hua Zhao (BRUNEL)  
Application of Laser Diagnostics to IC Engine”, Prof Hua Zhao (BRUNEL) 

Technology seminar 4 
Design tools for heavy-duty Diesel fuel injection systems”, Dr Jason Li (CFS) 
Advanced CFD Methods for Fuel Injector Design”, Prof Federico Piscaglia (POLIMI) 
Thermodynamics of fuels and their properties”, Dr Phoevos Koukouvinis (CITY)  

15 July 2020 
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“Dissemination to a lay audience”, Amalia Petrova (CITY) 

10 July 2020
Technology seminar 3
“Thermodynamic properties and their computation tools”, Dr Jean-Charles de Hemptinne (IFPEN)  
“Effective Use of Renewable Fuel in Dual Fuel Engines”, Prof Hua Zhao (BRUNEL)  
“Application of Laser Diagnostics to IC Engine”, Prof Hua Zhao (BRUNEL)

29 June 2020
Technology seminar 2
“From spark-ignition modelling to Dual-Fuel Combustion modelling using LES with flame surface density and thickened flame approaches”. Dr Stéphane Jay and Olivier Colin (IFPEN)

5 June 2020: 1st virtual progress meeting

25 May 2020
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training
“Presentation skills”, session III, Amalia Petrova (CITY) 

19 May 2020
Technology seminar 1                
“Reliable advanced CFD for industrial applications”, Dr Branislav Basara (AVL)
“Computational methods for combustion & emissions”, Dr Peter Priesching (AVL)

11 and 18 May 2020 
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“Presentation skills”, sessions I and II, Amalia Petrova (CITY) 

7 May 2020
Coaching/Soft skills training 
“Time management”, Amalia Petrova (CITY) 

24 and 30 April 2020
Interactive Workshop/Soft skills training 
“The EDEM outreach activities”, Amalia Petrova (CITY) 

23 March – 3 April 2020
Individual induction sessions organized by CITY (Dr Carlos Rodriguez and Amalia Petrova)